MY DEAR GOVERNOR ,i greet you and send you some of my good wishes .
Despite the fact my oldman said “na okorobia gbacha oso,nya na ntu ututu ya” [After a lazy young man would wake up and run away from his house ,he will come back to evacuate his Morning ashes [No one runs away from responsibility]
BREAKFAST REMINDER –Since the light in OKA CAPITAL were evacuated to AGULERI and Blackout crept into the state Capital ,we have been begging for reversal but since nobody paid us mind ,it seems that nemesis is playing PING PONG now as there is no light in GOVERNMENT HOUSE and the PERM SEC cried that there is no money for DIESEL ,meaning that our Government house is in Blackout and a taste of their own medicine .Progressing…
I want to say Happy monthly Vacation as you have travelled again just from SHOPRITE Kumbaya dance to Airpot ,i know that some of this irritants like Mazi Odera and host of other folks that believe na “Anambra di anyi mkpa”[A CORE WHATSAPP GROUP FOR ORIGINAL NDI ANAMBRA ]will be angry on your MONTHLY vacation ,they may be demanding to know what you have done this Month that warrants taking a monthly Holiday again at the expense of the state ,though in reality it may not be only vacation but health challenges which i will beg the state to have you in prayer but the problem will be that they will ask which kind of SICKNESS and i cannot and will not tell them ,fa cho fa juta onye ozo . For that reason ,i will stick on the Monthly holiday which is less in weight .
Do not mind them ,don,t they hear that you OPENED SHOPRITE in ONUICHA [ONUICHA is the original name of ONITSHA before the English people Anglicanize it ,ONUICHA stands for ONUICHA MMIRI –RIVER BANK AREA ,then they refer to them as people Living by RIVER BANK ,but when the Brutish people cannot pronounce it ,they ANGLICANISE it by inserting both the T and other meaningless letters and thereby making the name meaningless in Igbo language ].
We all saw that my state rolled out drums ,hired dancers ,closed all the functionaries of the Government and move all of them to SHOPRITE in GRA to open it with pomp and pageantry as if na anyi gburu agu [we killed a Lion ] ,a private business Firm from South Africa, which we all know and agree that, with it located at ONUICHA that many Super markets and Provision shops will simply close down and the owners and employers of those marts and Supermarkets will enter labour market ,emesia fa zube ori ,asi na amaro ife melu fa [if they join Armed robbery gang ,we will pray ignorant of such act] ,that one is not enough crime ,the crime is that my state from Local Counsellor to Governor were present and most NDI IGWE enwero ifere were present too .
All the sycophants dressed like school children in a Uniform drabbed with the head of the Governor and chanting AKPOKUE DIKE, rushed to open a private business that will cause our own people eribe na afo ejuro [Discomfort ] ,but i digress again .
This is where my old man will cry “Nzuzu akaria” [Stupidity at behest] ,Nobody said one cannot wear Uniform or use self as a BILL BOARD but on occasions ,if it is Political endorsed ,then it will be on political outings only ,not from Monday to Monday this Men and women will be dressed like puppets and Muppets without shame .
The worst is that akuo kpom ,they will all rush out and hang around like ozu akwaro akwa [un buried corpse ] trying to earn a token from the wallet designated for praise singers at the expense of the state.
I am sure that the South African Owner of Shoprite did not even send a high powered delegate from SOUTH AFRICA because this is no mean feat for them .
Instead for us to start our own MALL that will replicate SHOPRITE ,we have SUPER rich men that will float equivalent in ALAIGBO in particular or Nigeria in General ,people like EMMA BISHOP OKONKWO “EKULO GROUP OF COMPANIES” ,IFEANYI UBAH “CAPITAL OIL” ,ANDY UBAH [This one is Richer than the state but he has no place he employed labour ,no investment of any sought ,instead for him to start some industries in his state he was busy floating cash and soon he will want us to vote for him as GOVERNOR ,nkea afu bu nro iba ,ESELU UGA “Senator na agu” ,our own DANGOTE OF THE EAST SIR PETER OBI who has such establishment can also bring one back home, but for the fear of what people will say or how the incumbent Government he put in power, but same swore to give him black eye for reasons best known to the beneficiary , the trepidation on the part of OKWUTE maybe for the fear that the incumbent went as far as reporting him to all the Bishops that he still visit schools and give them alms and thereby getting Thanks from the schools ,then he stopped doing that within the state but moved over to other states such as ENUGWU where the Governor was over Joyed that such a man with heart of Gold remembered them ,but that is not an excuse that he will not site such project in ALAIGBO ,if ANAMBRA do not want it ,there are other states where it will be sited ,after all aku rue ulo .
My Governor ,in your own case ,i do not even know where to start because those that retired with you from bank has investment that employed people in ALAIGBO and are visible but in your case ,the only place we can see your name Is on UNIFORM announcing willie is working but do not ask them where He is working . We want to see you invest at home so that it will employ our own youths and it will be paying Taxes to the coffers of the state .
That brings me to the status of IGBO STATES GOVERNORS and Members of HOUSE OF REPS AND SENATORS ,seems na ndi igbo enwero mmadu out there ,because you seldom hear them making case for us at FEDERAL HOUSES ,they just want to get what will make them rich or super servants to Northerners and with that they think they are Done for Life .
AMBODE the LAGOS STATE VIRUS continued from where FASHOLA stopped about causing mayhem any place there seems to be Igbo interest ,such as using MIDNIGHT to demolish LADIPO MARKET and making sure that NDI IGBO did not recover single PIN from the pillage ,moving and mowing down ALL THE IGBO SHOPS AT OSHODI LAGOS ,all at MID NIGHT ,so that he will make so much destitute of the IGBO ,none ,not even one member representing NDI IGBO at any FEDERAL house went to console this brothers and cry out over such FINANCIAL GENOCIDE .
I wonder what it will remove from them to visit this brothers and shed a little tears with them or start a little disagreement in the house to show disdain for such ANTI IGBO ACT ,but that is by the way ,how about our GOVERNORS ?
Since Peter Obi left Governance ,all we have now are bunch of people that refused to learn politics .In the days of OBI ,when FASHOLA deported people into ALAIGBO ,he took it upon himself and register a strong protest to Lagos state and Federal Government ,making FASHOLA to apologise . Though in Peters case odi ime welu jebe na oke [he is well to do and need no help to stay rich or become Richer]
I expected all this SOUTH EAST GOVERNORS to have moved to LAGOS and see AMBODE one on one ,then move down to ABUJA remonstrate with the PRESIDENT , send a strong warning to AMBODE the VIRUS that since NIGERIA is our NATION ,na onweghi onye aga eme mgbapuru [we are not going to run away from them] but none of the Governors had it in him to summon such courage and make the move .
Though i do not expect ROCHAS the CON MAN to make such move because he will be busy building ALMAJARI SCHOOLS in the North ,building Hospitals in the North ,paying any IMO STATE CITIZEN that converted to MUSLIM the sum of 2 MILLION NAIRA ,with that it is certain that his mission in IMO STATE IS OBVIOUS, just to carry out a NORTHERN AGENDA .
Can we talk about ENUGWU STATE GOVERNOR ? that one will be so busy buying PRADO JEEPS for members of House of assembly and Ndi igwe to notice that he has not done anything in ENUGWU.
ONLY EBONYI STATE GOVERNOR is trying to impress me ,but i am still looking at him the same way a white man look at ALBINO with concern “is he our brother too”
ABIA STATE GOVERNOR SEEMS to be a BIG BLUNDER ,when he came inn newly he played “ROCHAS CON” on everybody by starting Road constructions in ABA but when we wanted to say THANK you ,he seems to relapsed and now as we speak he specialised on CHATTERING PRIVATE PLANES junketing from state to state ,wasting TAX PAYERS MONEY,if there is BABY CHRISTENING in USA and he was invited ,he will run along with entourage that is more in number than a whole school block.
The most annoying part is that that man went to UGWU AWUSA and gave them 20 MILLION of our money ,whereas he never even went to visit the site where UMUIGBO were praying and SOLDIER shoot them like RABBIT ,bury them in shallow grave and move on as if na the state enwero mmadu, truth is that the state seems to have nobody that will cry out .
So i exempt the Governor from doing anything tangible unless he repents from now ,but from what i am seeing ,i am not sure that this WOMBLING AND FUMBLING is the move that will take “NAMA from ABA to UMUAHIA”.
Know it that if such attitude from AMBODE THE VIRUS were displayed in SOUTH EAST other YOROBA GOVERNORS would,ve risen in unison and cry blue murder ,but in ALAIGBO the Governors are more interested on how to please the Northerners than bringing good Governance to the people . Even if this Fulani cattle herders kills off entire Town or Local Government ,none of this our MISTAKE we call LEADERS will raise an eye brow .
Sir ,That she want the AG to start paying off debt owed to any person of her interest and the AG [ACCOUNTANT GENERAL] insisted that procedures must be observed ,after all we know that many people are been owed ,even those owed less than 1 million and we expend so much on COMMISSIONING OF PROJECTS and investing on TOMB RAIDER .
That the AG refused to start paying just because of EXECUTIVE Phone calls is not enough reason to invite her to LODGE and use Executive SLAP and tear her Ear drum . Well thank Goodness that she got well treated in LONDON from the EFFECT OF THE BROKEN EAR DRUM ,but one day somebody will say enough is enough . There is no reason a lady will be slapping other peoples wife ,no matter the status and it not honourable ,we should also remember that one day “Okuko nkwu na egbu ,ga ezute Egbe ara na agba”[A drunking fowl may meet a Mad Kite and a resolution will be passed for good] .After 4 years some status will change and as my brother will say “eme about turn ,onye izizi aburu onye ikpe azu” [in a single file match ,when the command said about turn ,the lead will become the last from the rear]
Sir ,ojogburu Udene na njo ,ma sigbue Nkakwu na isi [So ugly and stinky] that your Government are bringing people with questionable characters as IGWE of TOWNS .I was aggrieved in what happened in OBOSI as if that one is not enough ,the man you gave CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION IN OBA OFEMMILI is he the PEOPLE CHOICE or the Choice of VICTOR UMEH ? ,why not conduct a referendum within the Town to know who they want as IGWE ,instead of desecrating the ancestral throne all in the name of politics .
Sir ,i have reported the Commissioner for health and his fraudulent activities including the extortion of general Hospitals many times in the past ,but now i am more concerned with the fraud he is committing with the name of ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH SICKLE CELL . Sometime ago this group led by AISHA EDWARD made some representation to your office and that of the first Lady ,then you pledge to give them 1 MILLION NAIRA which took ages ,though this group also begged for a BUS that will help them to move around having in mind that many of them have ULCER of the Leg that impedes them .
Then you pledge to give them one Million Naira and the Commissioner for health DR AKABUIKE who is angry with the group for not coming to his Clinic to treat SICKLE CELL CRISIS ,which he charge at very high rate ,instead of making sure that GENERAL hospitals open a centre where this Sicklers will be receiving treatment , he refers them to his Clinic and charge them HELL for treatment [Not minding the distance of the SICKLERS to his Clinic] ,but since they said they can,t afford it ,he started the mission of hate against the group and since your office released the 1 million Naira ,the commissioner started recruiting his disciples who will fake SICKNESS and share the money ,whereas the money were dedicated to the group that made the representation .
So the irony is ,why is he bent on sharing the fund meant for SICKLE CELL or he think that the GOVERNOR who made the pledge is not sensible ,so he is trying to use his own sense and replace that of the Governor ? the worst is that the wife of the Commissioner who works at OKOH POLY and who Confessed on whatsapp group how UMEH is a better man than her Husband , Umeh must have impressed her so much that she place Him above her own Husband ,making her to confess UMEH and antagonise the Husband on Social Media.
Now she is busy insulting SICKLE CELL on social media just because she said they refused to join Umeh in his campaign ,calling them names just to make sure that the group will make her HUSBAND vomit the embezzled money .
Sir ,despite the 100 MILLION NAIRA budgeted for WORKS in the state ,especially to carry out palliative measures ,the works ministry did not carry out even one PATCH on our roads ,tour the roads in the state and see a pitiable and sorry sight of a road . This rainy season will open up the state to a pitiable condition .
SIR VICTOR UMEH , may i bring to your attention something that you said in one of the radio Ramblings ,you said and i quote “That the problem between Me and Gov Obi was that i ask him to conduct local Government election ,and he did not ” .
Fact ,despite the fact that you were the one that collected all the FORM MONEY from over 1,000 APGA candidates for COUNSELLORS which you refused to refund and you collected it twice ,while using Court Injunction to stop the Local Government election. Also you collected from those vying for Local Government Chairmen .
Now GOV WILLIE OBIANO is using CARE TAKER COMMITTEE as Local Government chairmen and it seems you have bluntly refused to voice out ,maybe the day you will start fighting Obiano which is inevitable ,you will remember that he did not conduct Local Government election .Now as a reminder ,start campaigning for Local Government election ,i would’ve ask where is VICTOR OYE who is suppose to sale the Forms and champion the election but since he has no Balls to even say his mind ,i will simply go off but stay on as i watch the event of the Day …
MY DEAR GOVERNOR ,i greet you and send you some of my good wishes .
Despite the fact my oldman said “na okorobia gbacha oso,nya na ntu ututu ya” [After a lazy young man would wake up and run away from his house ,he will come back to evacuate his Morning ashes [No one runs away from responsibility]
BREAKFAST REMINDER –Since the light in OKA CAPITAL were evacuated to AGULERI and Blackout crept into the state Capital ,we have been begging for reversal but since nobody paid us mind ,it seems that nemesis is playing PING PONG now as there is no light in GOVERNMENT HOUSE and the PERM SEC cried that there is no money for DIESEL ,meaning that our Government house is in Blackout and a taste of their own medicine .Progressing…
I want to say Happy monthly Vacation as you have travelled again just from SHOPRITE Kumbaya dance to Airpot ,i know that some of this irritants like Mazi Odera and host of other folks that believe na “Anambra di anyi mkpa”[A CORE WHATSAPP GROUP FOR ORIGINAL NDI ANAMBRA ]will be angry on your MONTHLY vacation ,they may be demanding to know what you have done this Month that warrants taking a monthly Holiday again at the expense of the state ,though in reality it may not be only vacation but health challenges which i will beg the state to have you in prayer but the problem will be that they will ask which kind of SICKNESS and i cannot and will not tell them ,fa cho fa juta onye ozo . For that reason ,i will stick on the Monthly holiday which is less in weight .
Do not mind them ,don,t they hear that you OPENED SHOPRITE in ONUICHA [ONUICHA is the original name of ONITSHA before the English people Anglicanize it ,ONUICHA stands for ONUICHA MMIRI –RIVER BANK AREA ,then they refer to them as people Living by RIVER BANK ,but when the Brutish people cannot pronounce it ,they ANGLICANISE it by inserting both the T and other meaningless letters and thereby making the name meaningless in Igbo language ].
We all saw that my state rolled out drums ,hired dancers ,closed all the functionaries of the Government and move all of them to SHOPRITE in GRA to open it with pomp and pageantry as if na anyi gburu agu [we killed a Lion ] ,a private business Firm from South Africa, which we all know and agree that, with it located at ONUICHA that many Super markets and Provision shops will simply close down and the owners and employers of those marts and Supermarkets will enter labour market ,emesia fa zube ori ,asi na amaro ife melu fa [if they join Armed robbery gang ,we will pray ignorant of such act] ,that one is not enough crime ,the crime is that my state from Local Counsellor to Governor were present and most NDI IGWE enwero ifere were present too .
All the sycophants dressed like school children in a Uniform drabbed with the head of the Governor and chanting AKPOKUE DIKE, rushed to open a private business that will cause our own people eribe na afo ejuro [Discomfort ] ,but i digress again .
This is where my old man will cry “Nzuzu akaria” [Stupidity at behest] ,Nobody said one cannot wear Uniform or use self as a BILL BOARD but on occasions ,if it is Political endorsed ,then it will be on political outings only ,not from Monday to Monday this Men and women will be dressed like puppets and Muppets without shame .
The worst is that akuo kpom ,they will all rush out and hang around like ozu akwaro akwa [un buried corpse ] trying to earn a token from the wallet designated for praise singers at the expense of the state.
I am sure that the South African Owner of Shoprite did not even send a high powered delegate from SOUTH AFRICA because this is no mean feat for them .
Instead for us to start our own MALL that will replicate SHOPRITE ,we have SUPER rich men that will float equivalent in ALAIGBO in particular or Nigeria in General ,people like EMMA BISHOP OKONKWO “EKULO GROUP OF COMPANIES” ,IFEANYI UBAH “CAPITAL OIL” ,ANDY UBAH [This one is Richer than the state but he has no place he employed labour ,no investment of any sought ,instead for him to start some industries in his state he was busy floating cash and soon he will want us to vote for him as GOVERNOR ,nkea afu bu nro iba ,ESELU UGA “Senator na agu” ,our own DANGOTE OF THE EAST SIR PETER OBI who has such establishment can also bring one back home, but for the fear of what people will say or how the incumbent Government he put in power, but same swore to give him black eye for reasons best known to the beneficiary , the trepidation on the part of OKWUTE maybe for the fear that the incumbent went as far as reporting him to all the Bishops that he still visit schools and give them alms and thereby getting Thanks from the schools ,then he stopped doing that within the state but moved over to other states such as ENUGWU where the Governor was over Joyed that such a man with heart of Gold remembered them ,but that is not an excuse that he will not site such project in ALAIGBO ,if ANAMBRA do not want it ,there are other states where it will be sited ,after all aku rue ulo .
My Governor ,in your own case ,i do not even know where to start because those that retired with you from bank has investment that employed people in ALAIGBO and are visible but in your case ,the only place we can see your name Is on UNIFORM announcing willie is working but do not ask them where He is working . We want to see you invest at home so that it will employ our own youths and it will be paying Taxes to the coffers of the state .
That brings me to the status of IGBO STATES GOVERNORS and Members of HOUSE OF REPS AND SENATORS ,seems na ndi igbo enwero mmadu out there ,because you seldom hear them making case for us at FEDERAL HOUSES ,they just want to get what will make them rich or super servants to Northerners and with that they think they are Done for Life .
AMBODE the LAGOS STATE VIRUS continued from where FASHOLA stopped about causing mayhem any place there seems to be Igbo interest ,such as using MIDNIGHT to demolish LADIPO MARKET and making sure that NDI IGBO did not recover single PIN from the pillage ,moving and mowing down ALL THE IGBO SHOPS AT OSHODI LAGOS ,all at MID NIGHT ,so that he will make so much destitute of the IGBO ,none ,not even one member representing NDI IGBO at any FEDERAL house went to console this brothers and cry out over such FINANCIAL GENOCIDE .
I wonder what it will remove from them to visit this brothers and shed a little tears with them or start a little disagreement in the house to show disdain for such ANTI IGBO ACT ,but that is by the way ,how about our GOVERNORS ?
Since Peter Obi left Governance ,all we have now are bunch of people that refused to learn politics .In the days of OBI ,when FASHOLA deported people into ALAIGBO ,he took it upon himself and register a strong protest to Lagos state and Federal Government ,making FASHOLA to apologise . Though in Peters case odi ime welu jebe na oke [he is well to do and need no help to stay rich or become Richer]
I expected all this SOUTH EAST GOVERNORS to have moved to LAGOS and see AMBODE one on one ,then move down to ABUJA remonstrate with the PRESIDENT , send a strong warning to AMBODE the VIRUS that since NIGERIA is our NATION ,na onweghi onye aga eme mgbapuru [we are not going to run away from them] but none of the Governors had it in him to summon such courage and make the move .
Though i do not expect ROCHAS the CON MAN to make such move because he will be busy building ALMAJARI SCHOOLS in the North ,building Hospitals in the North ,paying any IMO STATE CITIZEN that converted to MUSLIM the sum of 2 MILLION NAIRA ,with that it is certain that his mission in IMO STATE IS OBVIOUS, just to carry out a NORTHERN AGENDA .
Can we talk about ENUGWU STATE GOVERNOR ? that one will be so busy buying PRADO JEEPS for members of House of assembly and Ndi igwe to notice that he has not done anything in ENUGWU.
ONLY EBONYI STATE GOVERNOR is trying to impress me ,but i am still looking at him the same way a white man look at ALBINO with concern “is he our brother too”
ABIA STATE GOVERNOR SEEMS to be a BIG BLUNDER ,when he came inn newly he played “ROCHAS CON” on everybody by starting Road constructions in ABA but when we wanted to say THANK you ,he seems to relapsed and now as we speak he specialised on CHATTERING PRIVATE PLANES junketing from state to state ,wasting TAX PAYERS MONEY,if there is BABY CHRISTENING in USA and he was invited ,he will run along with entourage that is more in number than a whole school block.
The most annoying part is that that man went to UGWU AWUSA and gave them 20 MILLION of our money ,whereas he never even went to visit the site where UMUIGBO were praying and SOLDIER shoot them like RABBIT ,bury them in shallow grave and move on as if na the state enwero mmadu, truth is that the state seems to have nobody that will cry out .
So i exempt the Governor from doing anything tangible unless he repents from now ,but from what i am seeing ,i am not sure that this WOMBLING AND FUMBLING is the move that will take “NAMA from ABA to UMUAHIA”.
Know it that if such attitude from AMBODE THE VIRUS were displayed in SOUTH EAST other YOROBA GOVERNORS would,ve risen in unison and cry blue murder ,but in ALAIGBO the Governors are more interested on how to please the Northerners than bringing good Governance to the people . Even if this Fulani cattle herders kills off entire Town or Local Government ,none of this our MISTAKE we call LEADERS will raise an eye brow .
Sir ,That she want the AG to start paying off debt owed to any person of her interest and the AG [ACCOUNTANT GENERAL] insisted that procedures must be observed ,after all we know that many people are been owed ,even those owed less than 1 million and we expend so much on COMMISSIONING OF PROJECTS and investing on TOMB RAIDER .
That the AG refused to start paying just because of EXECUTIVE Phone calls is not enough reason to invite her to LODGE and use Executive SLAP and tear her Ear drum . Well thank Goodness that she got well treated in LONDON from the EFFECT OF THE BROKEN EAR DRUM ,but one day somebody will say enough is enough . There is no reason a lady will be slapping other peoples wife ,no matter the status and it not honourable ,we should also remember that one day “Okuko nkwu na egbu ,ga ezute Egbe ara na agba”[A drunking fowl may meet a Mad Kite and a resolution will be passed for good] .After 4 years some status will change and as my brother will say “eme about turn ,onye izizi aburu onye ikpe azu” [in a single file match ,when the command said about turn ,the lead will become the last from the rear]
Sir ,ojogburu Udene na njo ,ma sigbue Nkakwu na isi [So ugly and stinky] that your Government are bringing people with questionable characters as IGWE of TOWNS .I was aggrieved in what happened in OBOSI as if that one is not enough ,the man you gave CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION IN OBA OFEMMILI is he the PEOPLE CHOICE or the Choice of VICTOR UMEH ? ,why not conduct a referendum within the Town to know who they want as IGWE ,instead of desecrating the ancestral throne all in the name of politics .
Sir ,i have reported the Commissioner for health and his fraudulent activities including the extortion of general Hospitals many times in the past ,but now i am more concerned with the fraud he is committing with the name of ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH SICKLE CELL . Sometime ago this group led by AISHA EDWARD made some representation to your office and that of the first Lady ,then you pledge to give them 1 MILLION NAIRA which took ages ,though this group also begged for a BUS that will help them to move around having in mind that many of them have ULCER of the Leg that impedes them .
Then you pledge to give them one Million Naira and the Commissioner for health DR AKABUIKE who is angry with the group for not coming to his Clinic to treat SICKLE CELL CRISIS ,which he charge at very high rate ,instead of making sure that GENERAL hospitals open a centre where this Sicklers will be receiving treatment , he refers them to his Clinic and charge them HELL for treatment [Not minding the distance of the SICKLERS to his Clinic] ,but since they said they can,t afford it ,he started the mission of hate against the group and since your office released the 1 million Naira ,the commissioner started recruiting his disciples who will fake SICKNESS and share the money ,whereas the money were dedicated to the group that made the representation .
So the irony is ,why is he bent on sharing the fund meant for SICKLE CELL or he think that the GOVERNOR who made the pledge is not sensible ,so he is trying to use his own sense and replace that of the Governor ? the worst is that the wife of the Commissioner who works at OKOH POLY and who Confessed on whatsapp group how UMEH is a better man than her Husband , Umeh must have impressed her so much that she place Him above her own Husband ,making her to confess UMEH and antagonise the Husband on Social Media.
Now she is busy insulting SICKLE CELL on social media just because she said they refused to join Umeh in his campaign ,calling them names just to make sure that the group will make her HUSBAND vomit the embezzled money .
Sir ,despite the 100 MILLION NAIRA budgeted for WORKS in the state ,especially to carry out palliative measures ,the works ministry did not carry out even one PATCH on our roads ,tour the roads in the state and see a pitiable and sorry sight of a road . This rainy season will open up the state to a pitiable condition .
SIR VICTOR UMEH , may i bring to your attention something that you said in one of the radio Ramblings ,you said and i quote “That the problem between Me and Gov Obi was that i ask him to conduct local Government election ,and he did not ” .
Fact ,despite the fact that you were the one that collected all the FORM MONEY from over 1,000 APGA candidates for COUNSELLORS which you refused to refund and you collected it twice ,while using Court Injunction to stop the Local Government election. Also you collected from those vying for Local Government Chairmen .
Now GOV WILLIE OBIANO is using CARE TAKER COMMITTEE as Local Government chairmen and it seems you have bluntly refused to voice out ,maybe the day you will start fighting Obiano which is inevitable ,you will remember that he did not conduct Local Government election .Now as a reminder ,start campaigning for Local Government election ,i would’ve ask where is VICTOR OYE who is suppose to sale the Forms and champion the election but since he has no Balls to even say his mind ,i will simply go off but stay on as i watch the event of the Day …
What a hell are you saying Odera!
Reviewed by Unknown
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

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