Introducing iFinance for managing and balancing finances

Many times we have heard complaints of persons who could not account for a particular amount or series of payments.

iFinance is a Web Application that solves the problem of balancing your income and expenses. It gives you a graphical representation of your income and expenses. It balances the amount on the software with the amount in the bank.

iFinance is lightweight and runs both online and offline. It also runs seamlessly on Windows, Linux and Mac OX. You have full access to your data even when running it online. iFinance can be fully customized to suit your everyday need.

Visit to test out our easy to use financial management for organizations, churches and companies.
iFinance is currently used by so many churches and organizations offline in a closed network.

To access the platform, use the following details:

1st Level Attendant
Username:- demoPassword:- demo
2nd Level Attendant
Username:- adminPassword:- admin

You can call send us an email at info[at]codeeltd[dot]com or call 08088486823.
Introducing iFinance for managing and balancing finances Introducing iFinance for managing and balancing finances Reviewed by Daniel Morrison on Tuesday, May 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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