Chief Peter Obi, I am sorry for you, just for an intention to contest senate and all this happening to you?

This is an unedited reported received just now from China as it read.

Congratulations my Governor on this great feat of having FACEBOOK remove APGA ALAIGBO from her Network  and expunge all his expository articles ,i am proud that my Government are working tirelessly to marginalise or employ youths that will carry PLACARD against PETER OBI ,the man that brought you out from Mid life retirement and place you atop the food chain. Incase you missed me on facebook as APGA ALAIGBO ,follow me as ODERAIGBO ODERA ,we are still doing what we do best .
Why  i can not complain more is that my case is moi moi to compare with that of the deputy Governor ,whose pathetic position mystifies me ,i cried for the Deputy Governor when he wasn’t invited to your second year MASS SERVICE  and all his effort to get invited from UZU proves abortive and i wept for the abused office of the Deputy Governor ,whose functions are been usurped by Long Red Cap.
The worst is that the security Vote of the Deputy Governor were slashed and that of UMEH increased .It did not end there but to say that the Deputy are not doing anything with it ,is something that is not funny. That young man may be gentle by nature but i am sure that he has limitation that will push him to snapping edge and reaction that follows such stage is better imagine .
The Young man will wish he never ran for that ticket,his options are limited ,but the best option is to go out fighting that walking with his tail between his legs.He should fight and fight dirty ,that will only give him a better retirement or atleast let the world hear his cry and will make The Tomb raider to allow him enjoy the benefit of his office or he continue to walk like nwaokpulu waiting for miracle to happen and bequeath unto him that which he laboured for and got on same Ticket with the Governor  ,but i digress
I am happy that since last two years where the Government employed E RATS ,E MORONS to attack and diminish me ,but i did not notice them much because onabu araro esibe ogonogo ?[You can only measure height with one with similar height and not between a Dwarf and a giant ].They tried all the tricks in the book ,they called me names ,called my parents names ,insulted me and throw tantrums as usual but my back is so broad to notice the peck in garrison of specks .
Moving on ,since the court ruled that PDP must include a candidate in the re-run ,ogodo bido ipu ndi mmadu na ukwu [Wrappers started flying off many waist]. When i broke news over the deal of SUN CUSTOMER FOR THE YEAR ,i know that people are plotting ,then when i broke the news of TOMB RAIDER been arrested and whisked to Abuja ,,,,,,then the anger on the faces of powers that be became alarming ,as if that is not enough ,i wrote an expose about the arrange ARREST and MOVIE CONNECTION OF MR UMEH ,then the powers decided that this man must be stopped because he is doing a lot of damage to the psyche of the “SENATE BY HOOK OR CROOK”  ,it reached crescendo when i brought to fore the article of CHINEDU OBIDIGWE ,where he said that UMEH is treacherous ,see link  ,after this the Government prefer to spend some money pulling that APGA ALAIGBO down than wasting it on PLACARD which the same Alaigbo will make nonsense about , lo and behold he was taking down making it PLUS ONE for the Government and a minus for the OPPRESSED  .
Moving on – Sir ,the Commissioning of SHOPRITE in APRIL is a welcome development but we should also tell the masses that this Government did not put in one Kobo to it ,that it was a project initiated and finalised by the former Governor ,the only thing this Government added to it is the commissioning ,just to set the record straight .After all it is incumbent that will do the commissioning but the fact must be stated at all times .
About the latest plan and plots to start re-commissioning  all the roads done by Sir Peter Obi ,especially in Anambra central Senatorial zone ,that makes me to think ,is this not same Peter Obi  who Umeh said has no political Value ? He is yet to declare ,there is no poster yet outside some awareness poster from Youths egging the IJELE to come to the rescue ,there is no campaign of any sought but the Government has used all her attacking apparatus to malign the man ,it simply showed how powerful that man is ,because it is only a very powerful man will make people that scared ,and make them to quake and foam at the mention of IJELE .
Imagine the tension is this high when he is yet to declare ,imagine what it will be when he does ,it will be simply “IJELE  EJEBEGO  ABUJA FOR SURE” .
BAFFLED – I have heard from the E RATS on many occasion that Willie is walking and people are happy ,i wanted to join that train and shout ,scream and dance but none of them wants to provide the elusive answer ,such as  for 2 years WIW is in power ,We accept that we have currently over 450 SSA and 300 SA and they are earning very fat salary ,but none provides answers for –
[1] Which Road have WIW started and completed in the state ?
[2] Or which Road he inherited that he completed ? including the ones that were flagged off during election to enable you use it as shinning podium on assumption of power ,not counting the ones you flagged off during the House of Assembly scam called election .
[3] which School has benefitted from the incumbent government  or  HOSPITALS
[4] Any project at all started and completed ? ,including the waste of Bitumen at AGULERI AIRPOT ROAD that lead to no where ,the money wasted on that expanse of road would’ve been used to work on the Airport proper and make the road one lane that lead to somewhere than what it is presently –HIGHWAY TO NO WHERE .
Let me talk about OBATA OSU ,a man that cannot win election in his Ward ,his Town and his Local Government ,yet he wants the Government to buy off those that will contest with him ,if he is man enough he should allow the same thing he preached to happen in APGA ,he should allow APGA have a primary, so he can test hi political might ,also if he is sure that he is popular and powerful ,and sure he will beat PDP without GEJ ,he should shaaaarrrrraaapppp and contest on a race that is free from all weighty leanings .Instead he is dancing and running from pillar to post .
Nobody has gotten anything from him despite the over 2.2 Billion Naira he Got from 7 years of Peter Obi as fund to prosper APGA which he turned to fund to prosper his own kingdom .Instead he is using the fund to buy lopsided judgement and even as we speak the Local Government transition committee are been short paid to make fund available for UMEHS appeal case ,as if there is benefit to the Transition Chairmen.
Yet he wants to contend with a man with pedigree ,a man touring schools ,Churches to extent help from his own pocket .
Little wonder the DG of your campaign told him when he out of great jittery he called SILVERBIRD RADIO during the Live program of Chief Joe Martins Uzodike ,where Joe Martins used him to scrub the walls of the studio and made him to openly accept that he collected 650 Million Naira to give you ticket ,but he wanted to lie that it was you  Chief Obiano that gave him the money ,which Joe Martins as the DG of that campaign remind him that you had Zero Kobo prior to that campaign ? because even your ticket to come back from Houston was sent to you from Nigeria by a CAR MAGNATE from Anambra , a man you are fighting as we speak .Joe Martins reminded him that UZU OKA was a witness to the transaction ,which Umeh said they should go to New paper ,but he forgot that ubosi aga akpu isi ,akpuo afu onu [The day one bard his hair ,he will also shave him beard].
Sir ,like me or not ,i always tell you eziokwu ana kuro mmiri [undiluted truth ] ,if you want to smell a second TENURE drop UMEH like a bad coin and you may get some sympathy which will be a plus in 2017 ,but carry him as you are doing and see that not only did you wave BYE BYE to second tenure but you may end up been the first ANAMBRA STATE GOVERNOR ga eje nga .
With all the promises you gave to PROF CHARLES SOLUDO  Osita CHIDOKA ,IFEANYI UBAH and host of others that you will hand over power to them if they support you ,it is obvious that your adviser is giving you a bad one ,those men will not give you the support you need because many of them do not even have it and they will get to know that you are brandishing the same promise to every one that crave to Govern the state ,they will conclude na ukwa ana api na mkpuru adiro ya .
FINALLY – Sir ,before now when we had a Governor with mind of IGBO INTEREST ,a Governor that did not reduce self to APGA Governor but Anambra Governor as his base and Alaigbo as his territory ,the Governor that worked with a HOSTILE HOUSE made up of opposition members,he worked with them in peace and also with the central hostile party he had an understanding with them  ,that was when if they Deport our people from any where ,he will be firing from all Cylinder ,pointing Fingers and refusing to budge until an understanding are reached and mutual respect achieved .
Now ,when Governor Ambode started MOWING DOWN igbo Shops in Lagos ,not once have you raised your voice to demand from the Lagos state Government to explain.We know that Imo state Governor will be busy asking “Do you know who am i ” in London for him to have any gonad to ask his fellow AFEECEE GOVERNOR to take it easy  . We expected you to have gone to Lagos and sympathize with the Igbo people at LADIPO that lost the wealth and properties .Then held a meeting with AMBODE one and one and have a tete tete with him ,ka ozo gharazie imenu and also make sure that those whose life where wrecked shall be compensated .
ABORMINATION –Just heard that you started a PILOT SECURITY LEVY with NISE instead of AGULERI where you EVACUATED the lights from state Capital to . The funny aspect is that you started with Shops ,the ones with FRIDGE pays 1,000 NAIRA  and the Ones without Fridge pays 800 Naira ,then the next phase will be tasking all the HOUSES in NISE.
Sir ,everybody is feeling the CENTRAL CHANGE which is blowing the winds of doom and financial calamity is besieging everybody ,so adding this one unto it is something that will not do the state any good .
My oldman will ask ,why collecting the security LEVY what then is the need for the 1 BILLION NAIRA security VOTE you collect from the state ?
Have a great week as i move from NISE where i am eating my OKPA to NIBO just for safety reasons .

Chief Peter Obi, I am sorry for you, just for an intention to contest senate and all this happening to you? Chief Peter Obi, I am sorry for you, just for an intention to contest senate and all this happening to you? Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Rating: 5