7 ways to get yourself out of depression

Sad teen
Sometimes you feel so depressed but you have no idea why you feel that way. Your emotions are all over the
place and you can't get a hold of yourself. But the good thing about being sad/depressed is that it happens to everyone at a point in time and you can always snap out of it if you have enough willpower to do so.

Holly Riordan of All Women Stalk lists 7 things to do when you are depressed:

    Pay attention to your dreams: Sometimes, your brain will tell you #things when you're asleep instead of while you're wide awake. That's why you should keep a dream journal next to your #bed to keep track of what you've been dreaming about. If you keep having nightmares about failing an exam, then that's probably the big thing on your mind that is getting you down.

    Think about the past and future: If your present situation is A-okay, you're probably subconsciously dwelling on something from the past or worrying about something that may happen in the future. Did you just endure a horrible date? Or maybe you have a date in a few days you're nervous about? Either way, it could be the reason why you're upset today.

    Examine your situation: Take some #time to examine your situation. Are you coming down with a cold? Are you on your period? If you are, then the emotions you're feeling will probably pass. It might have nothing to do with your life, and #everything to do with your hormones.

    Write down what you want: A helpful way to figure out what's wrong is to write down all of the #things you want out of life. When you're finished, you can go down the list to figure out what’s missing. Once you do, then you can work on fixing the problem in order to be happy again.

    Take care of your body: Your physical health can impact your emotional health. That's why you should get enough food and sleep every day. You should also do whatever it takes to reduce your stress. That just might mean taking one less class than usual or canceling plans that you were looking forward to. If it'll help your health, it'll be worth it.

    See a psychiatrist: There's nothing wrong with seeking help from a psychiatrist. Don't worry about them costing you too much money, because there are places where you can #look for help for free. If you attend #college, there's most likely a free psychiatrist on campus that you can speak to. Plus, a lot of insurance companies cover psychiatrist visits, so you might not have to spend as much #money as you'd think.

    Cheer yourself up: Does it really matter what's bothering you if you can cheer yourself up without figuring it out? If you don't want to dwell on whatever's wrong, you should go out with your friends or watch your favorite Youtuber. That way, you might be able to cheer yourself up without worrying about whatever problems are plaguing you.
7 ways to get yourself out of depression 7 ways to get yourself out of depression Reviewed by Vita Ioanes on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Rating: 5

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