sex :11 things men should know about women who don’t drink alcohol

Many fun-seeking men go for drinking women, not knowing that the fact that a woman’s drinking choice
does not determine how active, fun, or creative she can be in bed or a relationship.
Some people drink and some people do not –
Unfortunately, this is not enough for some people who feel everyone must conform to certain codes.
If a woman doesn’t drink or if she does, those choices must be respected.
Many fun-seeking men go for drinking women, not knowing that the fact that a woman’s drinking choice does not determine how active, fun, or creative she can be in bed or a relationship.
Anyway, here are 11 things men should know about such women:
1.     That she does not drink does not mean she does not know how to get down and have fun. Some people are energetic enough to have fun without liquor.
2.     Women who do not drink can also feel comfortable around drinkers. This means that you do not have to exclude her out of events because there will be drinking there. Just ask her.
3.     They always like it when you offer non-alcoholic options like juice and other beverages even when everyone else is having something stronger. Your fridge should indicate that you think about her.
4.     They like you to keep the drinking urge down when you are together. Yes, she agrees that you drink but she still wants you sane, not stoned. It is just respect.
5.     They may not offer sex if you get yourself all inebriated and stupid. Sex may be fun when alcohol is in the mix, but where only one person is drunk, it’s not so fun
6.     They can be wild in sex without getting prepped. Believe it or not, some women can get passionate, and wild in the bedroom. In fact, when she is not drunk, she is more likely to fully consent and contribute to your tango.
7.     They appreciate it a lot if you forgo drinking just for them. When you shun the beer to stay sober for them, it means a lot and it will be rewarded.
8.     They appreciate it if you do not talk about the fact that they do not drink all the time. It is not so pleasant if you keep reminding them or trying to make them join you in bottle emptying. Leave her be bro!
9.     They appreciate it if you can be as affectionate when you are drunk as when you are sober. So do not leave the sweet words to drunken moments which may not be genuine. Tell her you love her when you are sober—not just when you are drunk!
10.  They like being funny and playful, but certainly not when you call at odd hours, drunk and silly, saying things you may regret the next day.
11.  That she does not drink does not mean she CANNOT drink. So do not be shocked when you actually hear “I want a beer” from her.
Now you know that that quite no-drinking banker or lawyer you keep out of your events might actually be friskier in bed than your average woman.

sex :11 things men should know about women who don’t drink alcohol sex :11 things men should know about women who don’t drink alcohol Reviewed by Vita Ioanes on Saturday, June 27, 2015 Rating: 5

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