NUJ Election
Around the Corner: Revolution gravely needed to obliterate
ethnic chauvinism, Group emphasizes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Voice from
the East – VEAST , an Igbo Group,
has said in clear terms that Nigerian
Union of Journalists - NUJ, is not
an ethnic arrangement of any particular
ethnic group, and questioned the
rationale behind every President of
NUJ being railroaded from the western axis of the press or he would
hit the rocks in his pursuit.
The group went further to assert that the status quo
of indirect election via the
chapels in each state, is the animate sore
point that has produced the electoral
bumps that have fuelled the embers
of tribalism in the union. The group
alleges that election by chapel
belongingness is the abrasive disquiet that
snowballs into convex
contours of ethnocentric
cheating, and made a frantic call for abrogation of the hitherto rule
which is indirect, to a
more democratically direct vote
from every qualified
journalist, whether or not, he
belongs to a chapel .
To qualify to
vote, the voter must be
a graduate journalist
who read Mass Communication
at first or higher degrees , and
not Diploma in Mass Communication or
Journalism .
As would be strictly pointed out
by the Convener of the group, Comrade Kindness
Jonah, ‘‘ the chapelization of
NUJ election is the stratocumulus cloud of convolution that
tilts to the favour of the western axis of the press seen
now as the liberano- uno of journalistic
sabbre rattling’s in Nigeria, which
was the acquiescence of the yore
only, not decodable in the journalistic
parlance of the present’’.
Stressing further , Comrade Jonah said : ‘‘‘ The fiendish
tantrum- ‘which chapel do you belong
to’ , as the sine qua non for vote articulation preparatory to real election in NUJ, is
the making of
an unethnisized President
that has eluded NUJ since
inception, which mouth-agape for a
more drastic turnaround
of a quantifiably inscribable change for the better ’’’.
The group further concludes: ‘ Let every
journalist be qualified to
directly vote, and not any more qualified by the deceit racket of belonging to a registered chapel
in a State, as it is in the present:
change is now , most gravely
needed in NUJ elections’.
VEAST calls for end to NUJ election style , asks for revolution
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, September 09, 2018
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