The celebration of the birthdays and similar
anniversaries are not just mere events in themselves, there are moments of
acknowledging individuals who have left indelible imprints in the lives of
others and have left good lessons for posterity.
Virgin Mary the mother of
Jesus Christ is a transcript of God’s grace; her birth, life and virtues, all
bespeak someone who is indeed full of grace. This implies that the
commemoration of the birthday of Virgin Mary is not a mere recount of a
historical event, but an affirmation and a celebration of divine grace.
Grace is the interpretative key to understanding the
mystery of Mary. Devotion to Virgin Mary ordinarily starts with Hail Mary, full
of grace! The centrality of grace relative to Christian’s veneration of her testifies
to God’s great privilege to her, for which all generations call her blessed (Lk
Mary is the unique concrete humanity in whom grace is
perfectly, completely and totally effective. Christians of virtually all
confessions hold that our salvation, justification and divinization is a
function of grace. We are saved by grace to witness to the good news.
Therefore, we are indigents in need of God’s grace of which Mary possesses in
full measure according to the scriptural testimony, ‘Hail Mary, full of grace’
(Lk. 1:28). The distinction between Mary and Christians is rooted in the
availability and reception of grace; she was prompt and ever ready in
cooperating with the grace of God. In her, grace is wholly efficacious. Grace
funds her claim to pre-eminence in the communion of saints. She is the fullest
instance and greatest tribute to the greatest possibilities of human reception
and co-operation with grace: ‘may it be done to me according to your words’ (Lk
Rooted in the capital grace of her Son, Christ Jesus,
who possesses the Spirit without measure (Jn 3:34) as the source of grace, Mary
is, therefore, an exemplar of the fate of the Church. She is the icon of the
eschatological glory, a bride without wrinkles and spots (Eph 5:27). She is the
woman, the Virgin mother and daughter of Zion.
The allegorical use of the word ‘woman’ in both the
Old and New Testaments attests to its cardinal importance and underlines its
centrality in the economy of salvation. Both Testaments would hold up ‘woman’ in
her most sublime eminence and grace according to God’s salvific plan. And
certainly, Mary is the person who fits the bill (Gen 3:15, Rev 12: 1-6, 17). In
the mystery of salvation, the woman was the identity of Mary. The ‘woman’ was
present in the prophecy of Isaiah as the virgin in the heart of God’s
salvation plan (cf. Is 7: 10-15). She was intimately
linked with the redemption of Israel.
Her universal role was confirmed on the Cross when, as
his last testament and ultimate
will, Christ handed her over to John to be the mother
of the new people of God, the new
Israel. The new Israel, the Church, includes those
whose faith is known to God alone, not
limited by tribe, creed, and colour. She is therefore
a woman of the promise and a woman
of the fulfilment (cf. Gen 3:15, Is 7:10-15, cf. Matt.
1:20-23, John 2:3-4).
It is generally accepted that the dragon/serpent
represents Satan, the child represents
Jesus Christ, and the woman represents Mary. Though
some exegetes assign the woman
to Israel or to the Church, and it sounds good.
However, it fails the basic exegetical test.
It falls short of consistent hermeneutics because it
changed the principle midway thereby
becomes inconsistent in application of the exegetical
tool to the text. It is absurd to
represent the two signs out of three with individual
persons and the third of the signs as
impersonal or collective. If Jesus is identified as
the child signified in the texts, then the
natural implication is that the woman-mother of the
child is Mary. Any other extraneous
explanations would certainly be absurd. Israel and the
Church retain their feminine
qualifications but in this instance it could only
refer to them tangentially while Mary is
the central feminine figure discussed. As much as they
relate to her as the archetype of
the two, then such interpretations can be considered.
However, the single interpretation
consistent with the proper exegesis is that Mary is
the woman. She is the woman-mother
in the Scriptural books of Genesis and Revelation.
The image of the woman has been in God’s creative and
redemptive plan. Mary is “The
woman” of Genesis (Gen 3:15); the “woman” of John
19:26; “a woman clothed with
sun” of Rev 12:1, “O woman” of John 2:3; the “Woman”
human origin of the Word
made flesh in Gal 4:4. Virgin Mary knows that God’s
mercy is not limited by time and
space; it is beyond timetable and appeals to this
timeless, never-ending mercy of God on
His people as exemplified in her intercession in the
wedding at Cana.
Devotion to Mary is, therefore, true when it connects
one to and deepens one relationship
with God, when it is rooted in Christ, when it points
to the grace of the Holy Spirit who
engraced and empowered her, when it gives glory and
praise to God, when it honours her
with the Church as her mother and a member, when it
looks to the future with hope,
confidence and love in humility and faithfulness
(Magnificat Lk 1: 46 - 55).
Spiritually, relationship never ends; it intensifies.
Since relationship has an everlasting
span and infinite consequences, such a relationship
contains enormous spiritual goods
and benefits. Obviously, Mary’s motherhood is
everlasting and her maternal relationship
with us is never-ending enterprise. In that sense, it
continues in the communion of saints,
in that open heaven, where the Church dwells and
thrives savouring the spiritual goods of
the Lamb upon whom the angels ascend and descend (cf.
Jn 1:51). In that open heaven,
which locates the communion of the Church where saints
in heaven and on earth intercourse
in the Spirit, Mary enjoys pre-eminence as the mother
of the friends of her Son
and queen of the angels. Relationship in open heaven
never ends. Devotion to Virgin
Mary is, thus, a participation in the spiritual
interaction in the open heaven. It is an
affirmation of the triumph of grace of an
eschatological magnitude in anticipation of the
ultimate Parousia. It is a victory celebration of the
on-going triumph of grace in the
whole Christ. Virgin Mary is the irreversible gaze
turned to the Church which looks up to
her memory as an icon of holiness and personal example
present in their midst.
It is evident that there is a sole mediator between
God and man. Mary’s exemplary value
in the mediatorship of Christ does not detract from
her Son’s role; it accentuates it. The
mother of the glorified Christ, by the extension of
grace, is, as well, the mother of
humanity on the way of glorification. In her song of
gratitude, Magnificat (cf. Lk 1: 46 –
55), Mother Mary demonstrates that she understands and
appreciates her role in the web
of relationships that is human family.
Mary’s blessedness is intimately connected with her
relationship with Jesus Christ, which
is both biological and spiritual. It is rooted in her
absolute total submission to the Word
of God (Lk 11:28), her mysterious intimate bond and
spiritual kinship with Christ.
Again, gratuitousness of grace explains the mystery of
Mary. It requires faith. Devotion
to Mary is only a response to God’s example. Love of
Mary takes nothing away from her
Son and honour to her is only but a tribute to Christ,
who saved her in anticipation. It is a
tribute to God who chose her as a human instrument to
bring about the work of salvation.
It is a privilege to be counted among those who call
her blessed. With all her children
living in both sides of eternity, I say Happy Birthday
Mother Mary!
• Fr George Adimike writes from the Pontifical
Gregorian University, Rome.
Happy Birthday MARY by Reverend Father George Adimike
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, September 09, 2018
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