Obiano set to sale Government House Onitsha? As DSS arrest: Umeh exposed at last, but Obi again targeted got this mail, but hesitated to publish it as Chairman of Board insisted anything on Chief Victor Umeh must pass through Board of Editors, but when the team of Editors reminded the Chairman that the Umeh saga with DSS and follow ups were broken by Odogwu Media communications without his attention and not even a notice from those concerned
So have this from Odera
THE MAKING OF A MISCHIEF LEGEND on Tuesday Report card by Mazi Odera 8/3/16

Good Morning my Dear Number one Citizen and Ndi Anambra home and away ,i kept quite and was observing with contempt and askance the ruination trend in my state  ,in fact i was pissed and ready to down tool because the elites in the state are playing dumb .Nnam si “asokata Eze anya ,ekpuru Nkata gwaya  eziokwu  ” [Out of respect to the throne ,we talk to the King in riddles or wearing hood]
I wanted to stay in Sabbatical but my old man will say “Ina agba oso ka mmanwu pia onye utali ?” [Are you running away from the flogging of the masquerade ,so that he will flog who ? ].
I am guilty of the same crime ,we always call people Elites of the state but we have never looked closely at ourselves to see that we are all STAKEHOLDERS  and by virtue of mmadu no na ulo ,ma mmadu koro [We have people at home and at same time we had nobody at home ]we became the ELITES by vestment ,after all when death search for elders and none is available ,it will go for youths.
STOP PRESS – Anambra house of Ashamebly,state Elders,Party Hireachy  should help me and beg my Governor or join me now as i beg him with all my fours postulated ,tears in my eyes as i beg him with whatever he hold sacred to bury the ongoing plot to SALE …..
My Dear Governor ,please DO NOT SALE THAT GOVERNORS LODGE AT ONUICHA ,Obi built it and leave it for you ,so why  sale it ? .I do not want to believe the report of my FACT FINDING TEAMS that said you want to buy it through PROXY .
Maybe because CARDINAL DEVELOPERS bought ,sorry took over  ONITSHA SHOPPING MALL and eyeing Protea Hotel in same compound as well without anybody raising eye brow ,but delving into selling our GOVERNMENT  house will be height of CHALLENGE to the state and her Citizens .
In the event that we finds it necessary that we will sale that GOVERNMENT HOUSE so that Onitsha will not be cited as one with state house presence ,then it must be an open Bid for the Citizens of the state,not one of this mid night trade without payments or under payment.
One of my Very good friend a renowned Professor asked me to tune down on my usage of some serious or curse words when addressing our people ,so that i can be above board and will not appear like this touts that perambulate all over the place acting like Jerks ,i agreed with Her but on a second thought ,i ask my self why toe the line that will not produce the desired result ?
As Professor ,it will be expected that they address people and issues with Euphemistic verbs ,such as “Your attitude is without decorum ” and in a plain language ,i will rather say to the person –YOU ARE IKWURIGBA and need your head examined ,you can see that mine sounds more vulgar but will produce an instant result ,because the more you tired to sugar coat words the longer it tarries with trickle result but hit the nail on the head and get immediate solution .
Take for instance ,if i am to toe the path of my Professor friend ,when somebody steal from me ,i will say “Hi ,i think i misplaced my stuff ,did you by any means see where i kept it ?” ,the person will say –NO and i may not have the ground to ask again if He or She has it ,but in my style ,i will simply ask the person –WHERE IS MY STUFF YOU STOLE FROM THIS TABLE ,BECAUSE IT WAS THERE A MINUTE AGO AND IT IS ONLY BOTH OF US HAD ACCESS TO IT ,bring it out now or you will see fight . This way ,the person will understand that the option has gone through the window and will bring it out or i will measure the side of ear i will send a HOT SLAP to instantly . WHERE AM I GOING WITH THIS ?
The so called elites of the state are playing deaf and dumb and if i fail to tell them to stand or or get out ,they will think they are doing us some favour ,but the branded truth is , as it is now ,we have no ELITES working in ANAMBRA STATE ,IMO STATE,ABIA STATE ,all of them are more concerned on what they will get from the seat of powers that will fester their Nest and posterity gbakwa oku [Burn to ashes].
Ka anyi gwa onwe anyi eziokwu ,if it was in the North that they killed INNOCENT or say HARMLESS AND ARMLESS IPOB members [Awusa Version] ,you will hear AWUSA ELDERS  raising fire ,shouting and accusing everybody and the Presidency asking for consequences  ,but our so called IGBO LEADERS prefer to hide in some Coven to avoid been seen as sympathizers of IPOB ,little wonder we are under siege in our own land but i digress .
Last week the Life Chairman of APGA,who also is the Official Deputy Governor of the state  acted a Hot Movie, but my anger was that ANAMBRA PRODUCED the Best script Writer in Africa [TAI OBASI ] ,an AWARD he won 3 times in a Row and he is on ground ,instead of this producers to ask him to write them a befitting script that is believable  ,they left him and acted a script written in hell .
First ,they bought an OPEN ROOF BULLET PROOF SUV which on his coming back from Abuja ,he will re produce the entrance of IKEMBA  NDI IGBO by coming out and waving from the ROOF TOP ,and the absurd part of it was that some clowns left whatever they are suppose to do on a HOT FRIDAY ,enter a free Bus and went to Enugwu to stand in the SUN as if na eji ogwu jide fa [as if they were under a great spell].
Then how are they going to execute it ,instead to Hire MR HOLLYWOOD an UMUERI BORN MOVIE DIRECTOR with a SWAG ,they hired another daft who directed the movie like OTA AKARA STAGE PLAY .
They arranged a State house petition and  ARREST or better say “allegedly ”arrested Mr Victor Umeh ,  as MR UMEH announced when he came back to Enugwu ,that they drove to ABUJA by Road and nobody heard it until they arrived  ABUJA by ROAD and headed to Abuja airport, where they came out from the Tarmac and enter back into the car and Voom off to DSS head quarter ,even though Channels TV later recounted that DSS said they did not have MR UMEH ,making me to scratch my head on who had him in the first place .
Every thing fell into place when my Government Hired irresponsible  Jobless and clueless infants on a Friday ,who left whatever they do to feed the family and with 50 EMPTY BUSES hired from OKA to ENUGWU [They expected that everybody will abandon duties and join free Bus just to get  ONE FREE GALA AND COKE with 5,000 Naira promised] but since people are now a bit wiser ,they travelled with empty buses with empty brain people and they stood in the Sun to wait for a man who plotted his own arrest.
Do not forget that before then  Mr Stanley Okeke the P.A to UMEH who was doing his duty as mandated  issued a Press release accusing PETER OBI and SENATOR IYOM EKWUNIFE of writing the petition that got Umeh arrested ,but when Umeh came back from his self arrested Movie role he said that he was arrested by DSS because they said he is a PARROT that rambles in his political rallies ,he exonerated those his P.A Accused of the Plot  .
The twist of the tale is that MR UMEH said and i quote “My Governor Obiano called DSS and told them that i will not say such a thing and they released me” ,my brain went into over drive ,does it mean he is saying that DSS are incompetent Bunch that do not know what they are doing and needed a call from Obiano to know who to release or arrest ? .Does it mean DSS do not have or gathered INTEL before they make arrest ? or is UMEH TELLING US THAT GOVERNOR OBIANO made “DASUKI KIND OF CALL ?” .
I think with Umehs statement which i reproduced ,he indicted DSS badly ,here is his statement and i quote
“…………l went to Abuja with SSS by road.
……..I was not handcuffed.
………..I had no money with me and my phone was not with me too.
——At Abuja i was accused of making derogatory statements about Nigerian all my rallies.
…………I asked them to play the tapes if they have the tapes.
……………I was later taken to the office of DSS and he read the same allegation to me, before then Gov Obiano had called them that i can never say those things.
……………They said am planning to mobilize a coalition if i get to the senate to push for the emergence of Biafra.
…………..SSS later told Umeh that they are looking up him as a great leader in Nigeria and that’s why they were shocked when they heard these things.
……………..News in the internet is that i was arrested for embezzling ‪#‎9b and the arrest has to do with Dasukigate.
………..Am a Nigerian patriot and cant say anything that will divide Nigeria or cause civil unrest in Nigeria ,said Umeh.[He denied Biafra by this Singular utterance ]
…………Umeh said he remains grateful to Gov Obiano for the role he played.”[This Role needs to be defined ,it is Coded]
Reading the above comments from Umeh is a direct accusation of the DSS or he is Euphemistically saying that GOV OBIANO must have performed a magic ,read the last statement ,he said HE REMAIN GRATEFUL TO OBIANO FOR THE ROLE HE PLAYED ,not the call he made .
The Question here is which Role did Gov Obiano play ?
How did the said role helped the DSS and the investigation ?
Is there things coded here for the reading populace to decode ?
What is Sir Victor Umeh accusing the DSS of ?
Back to my state wasting 50 MILLON NAIRA just to welcome UMEH back from his Childish Movie stunt acted in ABUJA ,i asked myself ,how can married men and married women leave the comfort of their homes and enter a Bus ,destination ENUGWU ,to do what ?
To stand in the SUN and Shout “UMEH EJEBEGO ABUJA” ,yes ,we read it and we witnessed the Abuja debacle ,but kedu nke udene na Barber ? .
That brings me to TOWN vs TOWN land Struggle ,where one over grown idiot in Chieftaincy Regalia will be up against another of his peer over a land dispute ,they will call out the Youths of the Town and ask them to go and fight the other town over a land that if when posses ,they won,t even allow you to pluck a MANGO from it ,but some daft will join the fight ,kill somebody or get killed and when the matter is settled ,they won,t even remember those whose blood they shed in pursuit of that acquaintance . So i wonder why should one fight a war that he has no stake at all ?
I wonder why can,t the youths ask those IGWE’S to bring their Sons to lead the Fight or the two Igwe will fight and who wins keep the land ,why join the fight when you had no stake on it  before or after ?.
Back to issue of spending 50 Million on ABUJA MOVIE ,ENUGWU EPISODE ,this worthless people that went and expose self in the Sun ,had the bus got involved in “Chukwu Ekwena” the best the LRC can will do is to send somebody to send one Cow to the family ,so that the Cow will represent the death fellow ,,,,,ask this people kedu ebe sense fa di ?
Governor Obiano who Obi brought from nothing to become the Governor allowed or sponsored Idle Thugs to carry placard,dressed with Obiano customised Clothings,they addressed the Former Governor  with so much derogatory inscriptions against Obi ,including “Peter Obi bu Onye ori” ,making me to ask ,was it as a result that after Building us a Formidable state ,saving us from Pariah state ,giving us back our hope and confidence ,bringing back life into our education ,building us the best network of Roads, giving our ndi igwe BRAND NEW SUV JEEPS to make sure their status are befitting ,Giving PICK UP TRUCKS to all the VIGILANTE GROUPS of all the Towns in Anambra and paying  the Vigilantes monthly stipends, Erecting a Modern school block in all the Schools in Anambra state ,giving us Hospitals that are worthy of our state ,Giving Schools back to the Mission with Full subsidy and with that Anambra state has arrived once again by taking 1st Position in NECO,WAEC,JAMB and all other national Examinations. All the above without borrowing one Kobo from any bank.
Then on leaving he left a surplus of 76 Billion Naira to Willie ,so i keep scratching my head to know why they called him a Thief and a Criminal and LO and BEHOLD it DAWN on me that ,because he gave us ADAKA na ONU ENWE instead of giving us somebody with a Pedigree ,this paid Youths may be speaking in parables , the crime of PETER OBI was Giving us OBIANO .
That made me to look closely to the protesters and i did not find any of Umehs 7 Children among the protesters nor any of Obiano’s 2 children among  them ,not even his brothers or inlaws . MOVING ON –
My Governor to know who Victor Umeh is for real ,stop giving him the standard 20 Million you are giving him every month ,against the 1 Million you are giving to the Exalted office of the Deputy Governor . I know some may ask why do you keep giving him 20 Million despite that he is no longer the Chairman of Apga ,but that is discussion for another day . Stop giving him that money and see how He will take you to cleaners ,he is singing your praise now because you are his BABA IJEBU or say NAIJA BET ,so you are spitting money for him as his ATM ,this same Song of praise he sang more glorious one for ROCHAS by calling him EZE IGBO GBURU GBURU even while ikemba was alive ,but when Rochas stopped dropping ,he changed and attack him as usual.
He Sing praise Ifeanyi Ubah to high heaven until he finish teaching that young man a lesson in scam and he turned his Song to songs of sorrow.
He sang about IYOM UCHE EKWUNIFE when everybody abandoned him and only iyom was with him ,he sang and his Voice cracked ,but as soon as Iyom stop opening her wallet to him at every excuse ,He turned as usual and start calling her derogatory names.
How about Peter Obi ? Umeh said that After God is Peter Obi but when the money stopped dropping ,sorry my bad when he smell the end of tenure and that a new MUGU will be in charge and need to be controlled , he switched allegiance to you ,since then he transferred his SONGS OF PRAISES TO YOU while you drop Monthly and sponsoring his election.
Sir,stop giving Umeh the monthly 20 Million and after 3 months lets hear his voice .
His Excellency Governor Willie M Obiano , i am certain that your SSA ON RAIN did not tell you that rainy season has tapped on our shoulder meaning that any moment from now ,it will be rainy season in Anambra .Imagine the small rain that fell few days ago ,and i entered OKADA to tour the state to know the state of my state roads… NTEJE junction was a NO GO AREA meaning if we meet another rain ,talkless of actual rainy season ,that road will be completely impassable ,but people still have alternative ,they can use old road build by PETER OBI .
My confusion was the fact that Obi did the ONUICHA –ENUGWU ROAD to a certain point and left enough money behind to complete it ,but either your SSA ON WALKS not WORKS advised you to abandon it and start a Monument of Cement .A.K.A –OKWABA IKWUBE located at three Cardinal points in OKA ,the state capital ,even though from what i am seeing and sensing ,as the Light in OKA has been evacuated to AGULERI ,maybe the capital proper shall be moved permanently to same place ,but i digress ,so coming back from digression ,the road leading from NENI -ICHIDA to OKA ETITI has shown that any small rain it will cave in ,but that is no worry after all it is in ANAMBRA CENTRAL and not AGULERI .
I saw that even roads in AGULU UZOIGBO-UKWU are unattended to ,maybe the LORD OF THE JUNGLE refused to make case for it because the Town refused to accept his disciple as the Igwe and also they refused to accept his P.A as the PG ,so He is showing them muscle .
Ichida-Igboukwu Road, that spot with just small shower of rain has gone real bad ,so i imagine what it will be like when we meet the actual rainy season ..
We Used to pride our state as the best Road Network but since the advent of WIW ,we seems to be going the path of THE STATE WITH THE MOST POT HOLES AND UNATTENDED ROADS .
One thing i do not understand is ,why waste money on making ABUJA movie to impress people of Anambra Central ,but the roads there are not maintained ,we are not asking for New ones but to maintain the old one done by OKWUTE .
Good a thing the Inconclusive INEC shifted the election and maybe rainy season will meet the RE-RUN and with that OHU na OGODO eke nshi because the roads in ANAMBRA CENTRAL will be enough to drown the TOMB RAIDER inside the POTOPOTO .
Before moving adjournment ,think of the people you are in conflict with just because you are carrying LRC ,so with that i beg to adjourn this Report till next Tuesday

Obiano set to sale Government House Onitsha? As DSS arrest: Umeh exposed at last, but Obi again targeted Obiano set to sale Government House Onitsha? As DSS arrest: Umeh exposed at last, but Obi again targeted Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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