Obiano abandons Orie-Achina road to Onneh even as Citizen Pat Okpala in Atlanta wrote Obiano


Achina is a town in Aguata Local Government.  It was home to numerous Igbo refugees, federal court and correction center during the civil war.  It was also the food collection point for the inland towns of Oneh, Umuomaku, Ogboji and other towns that formed the agrarian belt that fed the Igbos during same period and beyond.  Achina has also produced brilliant minds in many fields including medicine, engineering, technology and politics …to name a few, and therefore contributory to the socio-economic development of the State.  Her citizens have also directly or indirectly been working for your Government’s success thus far.  Given all these contributions, and assuming that your Government is as inclusive as you promised it would be, during your campaign trip to Atlanta, Georgia, why is your Government marginalizing Achina and by extension, Aguata Local Government area of the State?  We are yet to see your development fingerprint in Achina.  Specifically, the road from Orie Achina to Peter University and down to Oneh town is a death trap and an ultimate destroyer of vehicles as the pictures below will show you.  You abandoned the road even as the fund was earmarked before the current financial downturn.  We ask you to redirect your attention to this road, my Governor.

This road in question was brought to the attention of your Commissioner of works, Chief Lawrence Chinwuba when he was representing you here in Atlanta during the 2015 ASA-USA national convention and he promised that the said road would be finished during the dry season of 2015.  The dry season has come and gone.  This seems to be business as usual with this road and community.  Peter Obi started the road and stopped half way.  You picked it up and abandoned it.

During Mr. Peter Obi’s Government, the contract for the same road was used for political settlements, it seemed, until concerted pressure made him execute the much he did from Mkpologwu Junction through Orie Achina to Umuchu. At Orie Achina, the road went north to Umuchu (completed) and south through Peter University to Oneh town (abandoned). The road that went south is the road in question.  Please see the devastation in pictures.  I took the pictures and therefore an eye witness and I was just told that it has gotten worse.  See for yourself.

We do not need to show you any more to understand our plight.

My Governor, stopping this road half way does not do our community nor your Government any good.  It shouldn’t have been started if your Government knew that it would not be finished as scheduled.  The havoc that the state of this road is causing to our community runs in the hundreds of millions of Naira.  This community voted for APGA and stands to do so again but politics is local.  We are regretting going the same route we did to get the 1st phase done.  For the sake of contract efficiency and mitigation of apparent disaster on this road, just finish this road, Mr. Governor.  I thank you for reading and replying to this letter.


Pat Okpala, Atlanta

770 895-5545

[email protected]

Obiano abandons Orie-Achina road to Onneh even as Citizen Pat Okpala in Atlanta wrote Obiano Obiano abandons Orie-Achina road to Onneh even as Citizen Pat Okpala in Atlanta wrote Obiano Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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