When Your Sex Drive Runs Haywire

 As human beings do we really have an innate sex drive?
This question can be answered in various ways, either objectively, or subjectively.
In this particular instance, we would combine all angles, for a more meaningful understanding.
Every human being is born with a sex drive, this desire could develop and manifest at puberty or with constant exposure to images and situations of nakedness , that can cause a spill  and surge of your sexual hormones.
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Libido is a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity, and this can be influenced by various factors.
Libido can be high or low, and when it is low, it means a lack luster sexual function, not up to par, and quite dissatisfied. The change would be noticed first by your partner.  High libido would mean that all your organs and sensations are firing on all cylinders. There is absolute satisfaction, in your moments of intimacy.  And also, your partner would be loving you all the way. The other extreme is loss of Libido. This is absolute absence of any spike in your desire, loss of arousal, extreme dryness of any sexual desire. It is a desert effect, and it could be a scorching feeling.

Loss of libido (sex drive) is a common problem affecting up to one in five men – and even more women – at some point in their life.
So what’s behind low sexual desire? Aging plays a role, though many older men have a robust interest in sex. Like most other human traits, the sex drive varies.  Most men are in the normal range; some are extraordinarily driven toward addiction -like sexual behavior. At the other end of the scale are men with very low sexual interest. These are men who suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).

Sex drive is determined by
• Biological; this has to do with your body, your internal system, as to how it relates to your ability to spring up in a sexual activity.
•  psychological; the emotions , feeling and thoughts have a very large role to play. When situations around you are unpleasant, they would dampen your desire. When you are happy and things are well with you, you are at a peak, and flaming .

• Social factors, self confidence, peer influence, your physical surroundings also come to play. When you have your social issues , all well worked out , you are all well , and ready to go. Issues as simple as it may seem, like the lighting in your room, the colors of your bed sheets, the noise or sound in the environment , all influence your sexual stability.

It’s often linked to professional and personal stress, or important life-changing events such as pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.
However, an unexpected loss of libido – especially when it lasts for a long time or keeps returning – can also indicate an underlying personal, medical or lifestyle problem, which can be upsetting to both partners in a relationship.

If you’re concerned about your libido, especially if your diminished sex drive distresses you or affects your relationship, make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss any underlying causes and possible medical or psychological treatments.
It is important to know, that all the factors that influence your sexuality, interplay. They overlap and it is quite common to have one or two of these, affecting you.

These most commonly include :
Relationship problems
The first thing you should consider is whether you’re happy in your relationship. Do you have any doubts or worries that may be the real reason for your loss of sexual desire?
If you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you may have become over familiar with your partner and feel a degree of erotic dissatisfaction. This is quite common and can have a negative effect on your sex drive. Relationship problems are among the most common causes of loss of libido. Another thing to consider is whether the problem is a performance issue that makes sex difficult or unfulfilling. Many men experience, erectile dysfunction, failed ejaculation, women have painful sex, and tightening of the vaginal muscles.
The doctor may schedule you for psychosexual counseling. This is a form of relationship therapy where you and your partner can discuss any sexual or emotional issues that may be contributing to your loss of libido.

Stress, anxiety and exhaustion
Stress, anxiety and exhaustion can be all-consuming and have a major impact on your happiness. If you feel you’re constantly tired, stressed or anxious, please make a lifestyle change.

This is very different from simply feeling unhappy, miserable or fed up for a short while. It’s a serious illness where you may have feelings of extreme sadness that can last for a long time. These feelings are severe enough to interfere with your daily life, including your sex life.
You’re probably depressed if you’re feeling low or hopeless, or you’ve lost interest or pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy. In this case, you may require antidepressants.

However, low sex drive can also be a side effect of many antidepressants.  Let your doctor know if you’re already taking antidepressants and think they may be causing your problems, as you may be able to switch to a different medication.

Drugs and alcohol
The consumption of alcohol in excess, can reduce your sex drive, so it’s a good idea to moderate your intake to no more than three to four units a day for a man, and no more than two to three units a day for a woman.

Getting older
Many people lose some interest in sex as they get older, mainly as a result of falling levels of sex hormones, age-related health problems, or the side effects of medication.
Older men especially can develop low testosterone levels, which can cause fatigue, depression and a reduced sex drive. There could be a need for the level of your testosterone to be checked. A woman approaching menopause, would notice that levels of the female hormone oestrogen begin to fall, which can affect libido.
Women can also suffer from low testosterone levels, also after the removal of her womb. Testosterone is another hormone that can affect sex drive. A hormone replacement therapy could be given as a remedy.

Hormonal problems
Less commonly, low libido may be caused by low thyroid activity. . This is where your thyroid gland (located in the neck) doesn’t produce enough hormones. Common signs of an underactive thyroid are tiredness, weight gain and feeling depressed.  An underactive thyroid is easily treated by taking hormone tablets to replace the hormones your thyroid isn’t making.
A high level of prolactin, can also have a negative effect on your sex drive. This is where you have a raised level of a substance called prolactin in your blood. It is a hormone for the production of milk.

Some women have reported a decreased sex drive while using some types of hormonal contraception, such as combined contraception, including the oral or injectables.   However, side effects of these contraceptives tend to improve within a few months and they’re generally well tolerated.

Some medical conditions
Diseases and conditions such as high cholesterol, HIV, treatment for hair loss can affect you.
Long-term (chronic) medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, can also have a negative effect on your libido.

Certain medications can sometimes reduce libido,
Certain drugs can cause this condition,
•    for high blood pressure. including diuretics
•     for depression, including those for antidepressants.
•    for seizures (fits)
•    for treatment of mental conditions , which block the effects or reduce the production of testosterone .
•    Please discuss with your doctor, and ask for a possible switch to a drug, that would not affect you negatively.
As with all other issues of life, you must be able to confide and communicate with your partner, and together go and see your doctor. Together, both of you can overcome either of these conditions easily.
When Your Sex Drive Runs Haywire When Your Sex Drive Runs Haywire Reviewed by Vita Ioanes on Monday, November 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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