5 simple ways to staying happy at your workplace

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Since you spend more time at work than home, it's advisable to make the best of your stay at work.

Negativity should be thrown out the window as you immerse yourself in your daily business.
Here are some ways to be happy at work:

1. Stay optimistic: Finding the bright side of every bad thing that happens at work is a good way to do that. Positivity at work clears out any negativity you might feel towards your job.

2. Take breaks: Working 10-12 hours straight can be frustrating, taking breaks in-between would help you look forward to working again.

3. Be friendly to your colleagues: A cordial relationship with your colleagues would make work much easier. It doesn't mean you should bombard them with your personal life.

4. Always get feedback: Feedback from your superiors and team members would help you improve in your work and make communication better.
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5. Avoid being bullied: Assertiveness is needed at work. Stand up for yourself whenever the need arises and always speak your mind when you are affected
5 simple ways to staying happy at your workplace 5 simple ways to staying happy at your workplace Reviewed by Ioaness vita on Saturday, October 31, 2015 Rating: 5

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