7 surprising reasons why you don't have any friend

                                                  Unhappy lady
One of the things that makes life beautiful is friendship. Having good friends around you has it's advantages and forming meaningful relationships is one of the best things ever.

There are couple of reasons why you may not have any friends, though you desperately seek for one and constantly lose the ones you have. Retracing your steps and knowing why your friends leave you is one step to mending such broken relationships.

According to All Women Stalk, here are some reasons you do not have friends:

1. Your friends don't trust you

2. You expect too much from your friends and end up disappointed when they don't meet up to your expectations
You may ruin your relationship with close friends totally if you continue to act in a certain pattern play

You may ruin your relationship with close friends totally if you continue to act in a certain pattern

3. You often abandon your true friends especially when you enter a new relationship

4. You turn down friends invitation to spend time with them

5. You enjoy complaining and nag a lot
It wouldn't be wise to lose friends because you are deep in love with someone else. play

It wouldn't be wise to lose friends because you are deep in love with someone else.

6. You keep scores

7. You are not friendly
7 surprising reasons why you don't have any friend 7 surprising reasons why you don't have any friend Reviewed by Vita Ioanes on Sunday, September 27, 2015 Rating: 5

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