9 ways to be more ambitious and achieve all your goals

You may not have noticed but most people who struggle to meet life goals often lack ambition and drive,
sometimes being a little ambitious may be the motivation you need to achieve your set goals.

Your goal may not be as big as your mates but you'll definitely feel a sense of fulfillment once you've reached it.

Rosalina Lionetti of All Women Stalk lists some ways to be more ambitious and achieve all your goals in life.

    Find a role model: One of the first ways to be more ambitious is to find a #role-model. Who inspires you? It might be a singer with a rags to riches tale or anyone who has overcome adversity to get to where they are now. I think it's important to have a role model in life and it can be one of the first #ways to become more ambitious.

    Read biographies: Biographies and autobiographies can be incredibly inspirational. It's inspiring to learn about people's backgrounds and there are many great biographies and autobiographies such as Maya Angelou's "I know why the caged bird sings". Also, watching inspirational movies can give you the drive and ambition to find your inspiration in life and achieve those #goals.

    Goal setting and vision boards: Goal setting is key and if you don't set #goals you won't know what you're working towards. Be clear about what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it by. Also, remember to visualize by making that vision board and putting it where you can see it every day. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve if you visualize and put your mind to something. This is another way to find that drive and motivation in #life.

    Don't give up: Quitting isn't an option, at least it's not for the ambitious folk amongst you! Ambitious #people don't see problems or obstacles, they see challenges. They don't see rejection, they see redirection and they don't see failure, they see opportunities. It's all about mind-set and the way in which we #look at the things that happen to us. One of the ways to be more ambitious is to not think in a negative way and know that #everything happens for a reason.

    Be more mindful: I think I write about mindfulness in at least every other article. It's because I wholeheartedly believe in its ability to change lives. I think that if our minds are clear and concentrated on the present rather than the past and the future, we can achieve so much more. Spend at least ten minutes a day sitting comfortably with your #eyes closed and concentrate on your breathing. You'll be amazed at the #benefits. Also, when you're doing something, remember to put your focus and energy on that one thing instead of trying to do several things at once. I know we're told that we need to muti-task but it can sometimes lead to many #things being done badly.

    Change your vocabulary: In order to become more ambitious we may need to change the way in which we talk to ourselves. Being more ambitious requires a certain kind of inner dialogue which doesn't involve #words that may limit us. Rather than talking to or about yourself in a negative way, try positive affirmations instead. A couple of great affirmations are: "Each day my focus gets stronger and stronger" and "My level of ambition is increasing on a daily basis." Say them every day and more importantly, believe it.

9 ways to be more ambitious and achieve all your goals 9 ways to be more ambitious and achieve all your goals Reviewed by Vita Ioanes on Tuesday, July 07, 2015 Rating: 5

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