5 signs of dehydration

Forgetting to drink sounds almost as silly as forgetting to breathe, yet there's a dehydration epidemic,
according to a new Harvard study.Researchers found that over half of 4,000 kids studied weren't drinking enough, with 25 percent saying they didn't drink any water during the day.

Sadly, this problem is not restricted to kids alone.

A separate study found that adults may be doing an even worse job of hydrating.

Up to 75 percent of us could be chronically dehydrated!

Being a little low on water won't kill you, says Corrine Dobbas, M.D., R.D.

But it can decrease muscle strength and aerobic and anaerobic ability, as well as cause poor mental performance, headaches, and make you feel sluggish, she says.

Your urine should be pale yellow or very clear, says Dobbas, but there are several other less-obvious signs your water tank needs a refuel.

Read on for the best tell tale signs.

1) You are hungry

When your body wants a drink, its not specific on how it gets it and will be happy to get plain old glass of water as well as food.

This is why most people assume they are hungry when they feel weak and tired, says Dobbas, but its harder to get hydrated through foods.

She advices taking a cup of water before eating to see if it takes care of your cravings.

2) Stinking breath

One of the ways to know you're dehydrated is by your saliva production. Less spit means more bacteria in your mouth and bacteria means bad breath.

In fact, if you go to your doctor about chronic halitosis, usually the first thing they suggest is drinking more water.

That often takes care of the problem.

3) Bad moods

A bad mood may start with your water levels, according to a new research published in the journal of nutritions.

Scientists found that young women who were just 1% dehydrated, reported feeling more anger, depression, annoyance and frustration, than women who drank enough water during a lab test.

4) Fuzzy feelings

That brain drain you feel may be as a result of your body crying for water, according to a study in the British journal of nutrition.

Researchers found out that people who were mildly dehydrated during the experiment, performed worse cognitive tasks and reported feelings of wanting to give up, as well as an inability to make decisions.

5) Pounding headaches

The same study that found that dehydration caused moodiness in women also found that there was an increase in headaches in the dried out women.

The researchers added that dropping water levels could decrease the amount of fluids that surround the brain in the skull.

This gives it less padding and protection from mild bumps and movements.

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5 signs of dehydration 5 signs of dehydration Reviewed by Vita Ioanes on Sunday, July 05, 2015 Rating: 5

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